Submit A Project

  • Share your Fipsy FPGA project with the community!

    The free sharing of projects, code, and assistance is at the CORE of the maker movement. Please help others learn by sharing what you create! There are TOO FEW examples of FPGA projects in the maker/DIY community. Let's change that!
    Create a project on a popular website and share the link with us. We will share it with others in the Fipsy FPGA community.

    A panel of Judges will select projects submitted by May 10th, 2019. The top prize will get a gift card for $200 USD, and other top entries will get prizes too, such as discounts on future FPGA upgrades. For those who need more time, we will have another competition will run after September.
  • Popular websites you can post your projects to:
    Our wiki at:
    Wiki - Community Projects List
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 20 MB.
    Share a pictured related to project, that we can use with the article.