Friday, 01 Sep 2017 7:30 PM
At our last meeting we had successful signal passing from our retro pi to our video game emulator. However, some elements where ‘off’ and need calibration (movements were backward or thresholds are wrong). Let’s fix these issues, and spend extra time developing FPGA projects (I2C expander, MIDI processor, or a Scream machine).
This is a call for volunteers to help man an exhibit at Escape Velocity, a sci-fi convention in DC.
We need volunteers on this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each day you volunteer, you can get free access to the event! We have up to four badges and we are looking for volunteers between:
Friday 11am-6pm (We will have out regular Friday meeting at 7:30 in Gaithersburg)
Saturday 10am-8pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
Please let me know about your available time slots here:
For those how missed our last meeting:
We are going to pair flex sensors with Emulation Station (on a Retro Pi), to be able to play video games with your fingers (all of them).
A flex sensor:
I believe we are also working with sensors at each finger tip, for even more fun. We have the option of adding in an accelerator.
Essentially we are creating something like this:
To control something like this:
The event is Escape Velocity –
Put on by our friends at the Museum of Science Fiction –
I would like a few members to help make progress on an FPGA project, perhaps a MIDI Merger, or an I2C expander.